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Tag Archives: improving abilities

Making progress with magick can seem difficult at times. There is very little information out there on advanced magickal techniques and most of those are lengthy hermetic rituals requiring intense memorization and oratory, not to mention some serious blacksmithing and woodworking experience. I’d like to destroy that revolting imprint that so called high magick has left on the occult community and declare once and for all that those so called advanced rites, the ones to be performed after the pentagram has been repeatedly banished and invoked, after hexagons, trapezoids, and a plethora of polygons and n-dimensional forms in non-euclidean space have been drawn down, those rituals are bullshit.

Magick is about mindset, if you think a ritual that involves complex mystical symbols in foreign languages is really powerful juju, then it will be. But if you’re trying to make some magickal progress, everything you need is in the first few chapters.

The great rituals don’t do half as much towards developing awareness and magickal abilities as do those so called beginner exercises and meditations. It’s by doing those that you improve your abilities to focus and manipulate your awareness. Take for example body awareness, by focusing on your body, you gain a greater sense of your internal state. By focusing on your emotions, you are in dialog with your subconscious, where your inner self is reacting to your experiences, those reactions manifest through your emotions if you choose to listen. And yes simple mantras and actions can do more to manifest one’s desires than importing rare incense and gemstones to appease the deities.

Ritual magick is a path yes, and it works for some, sure. But let’s be honest, it’s a path for sadists. Memorizing meaningless gibberish and assimilating volumes of lore to perform long rituals which are all seriousness and no fun is only something I would recommend if all else fails. After all, we’re not trying to be self-flagellating monks right?

So to all the ritual magicians I say that you better be having fun with what you’re doing, cause all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

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